Club manager across competitions for both junior and senior divisions, facilities, referee management and partnerships.
Providing a youth voice across player and referee pathways for the affiliate and across the SQBD region.
Developing pathways from school based touch to our club and coordinator of club based programs such as Women In Touch and Tiger Tots.
Management of the junior and senior representative program with juniors running from January to July each year and seniors from August to November. Coordination across a number of QTF and affiliate carnivals.
Coordination of skills development for coaches & players. Facilitator of affiliate coaching courses.
Consultation and engagement with our community and business partners to enhance our club and provide much needed funds and services for our members.
We appreciate our dedicated members who give up their time for our club to host sausage sizzles, canteen duties, market stalls and event nights.
Thank you: Jake Butwell, Alan Robbins, Carly-Rae Clarke, Shannon Clarke, Fiona Ramsay, Nate Williams, Mat Gilbertson, Holley Gilbertson, as well as all of our junior members.
To join the team, message us via the contact page.
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